Marketing materials
When Tony and I established the business, Coaching to Clarity, we had a graphic designer and web developer work with us to establish our colours, logo, tag line and website interface. As a result all marketing materials we have developed fit our brand.
I have developed flyers for each course on offer:
Foundation Course in Compassionate Communication
Practice Group in Compassionate Communication
Connecting Through Talk Teacher led tutorial
Introduction to Compassionate Communication
In addition to these flyers, I have used my blogs as marketing material. I write a blog about a topic that is alive, which I then post while at the same time, I announce my next online training. I have been using social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn in addition, I have bought Facebook and Google Ads using blogs to entice readers. To be honest, I have stopped paying for advertising and have decided to stop posting to Facebook and LinkedIn. The reason for this is because I feel uneasy using social media. It doesn’t meet my needs for integrity, honesty and trust. Instead, I am finding that notifications of my training on the NVC Australia website very effective as well as word of mouth.